19 June 2006

I'll be in Dublin on Friday to read some poems

This Friday, June 23rd, I'm reading poems at the Bank of Ireland Arts Centre, Foster Place in Dublin (off Dame Street) at lunchtime, which is one o'clock in these here parts. I'll bring along my iBook, and if the audience is willing and able to gather round it, I'll show one of my film-poems. That is IF there is an audience--this is a poetry reading, folks! A film-poem is me taking one of my poems and animating the text and/or adding images and sound to the words. I suppose I should really call them digital video-poems BUT film is a better word AND the first one I made was with 16 mm film and a Bolex but that was a big failure in more ways than I'd like to say. I WILL try again with stop-motion and film though--just need to gather me strength. Here's a still from "Erasures" a film-poem about creative process and falling in love.


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